포커 게임에서 이긴 회수 구하기


포커 게임 문제는 앞쪽 문제를 풀면서도 항상 들춰 보며 풀고 싶은 문제였다. 개인적으로 숫자를 다루는 문제들만 풀다보니 좀 지루해지는 감이 있었다. 포커 문제는 소재가 게임이기도 해서 재밌었던듯.. 언뜻 보니 7~80번대와 100번대 뒤 문제에서 좀더 재미있는 문제들이 많아 보이는데, 아직 여기까지 가려면 최소 몇 달은 걸릴 것 같다.

지금까지 풀어본 문제 중에 재밌었던 문제를 꼽아보면 15번, 31번, 여기에 54번 추가~

카드 클래스와 덱 클래스를 만들고 족보 비교 함수를 만들어 승리 횟수를 따져 보았다.

실행시간 0.020초.

	 Problem 54 - Poker hands
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>

#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>

using namespace std;

typedef enum
} PokerHands;

typedef struct _Made
	int hands;
	int highest;
} Made;

class Card
	char suit; // spade, clover, diamond, heart 
	int rank; // 2, 3, ... King(13), Ace(14)
	Card( string str)
		//str ex : "5H", "KD"
		suit = str[1];

		if( str[0] == 'A') {
			rank = 14;
		} else if( str[0] == 'K') {
			rank = 13;
		} else if( str[0] == 'Q') {
			rank = 12;
		} else if( str[0] == 'J') {
			rank = 11;
		} else if( str[0] == 'T') {
			rank = 10;
		} else {
			rank = str[0] - '0';

	char getSuit(){ return suit;}
	int getRank(){ return rank;}

bool ascendingSort( Card a, Card b){ return (a.getRank() < b.getRank()); }

class Deck 
		std::vector<Card> c;

		std::map<int,int> getCountMap()
			std::map<int,int> cnt;
			std::map<int,int>::iterator it;
			for(int i=0; i<c.size(); i++)
				int r = c[i].getRank();
				it = cnt.find( r);
				if( it != cnt.end()) {
				} else {
					cnt.insert( std::map<int,int>::value_type( r, 1));
			return cnt;

		Made isStraight()
			Made m; m.hands = -1;
			if( c.size() < 5) return m; 
			bool is = true;
			int next = c[0].getRank();
			for(int i=0; i<c.size(); i++)
				if( c[i].getRank() != next) {	
					if( c[0].getRank() == 2 && i == 4 && c[i].getRank() == 14) { // 2 3 4 5 A
						m.highest = 5;
						return m;
					return m;
			m.hands = STRAIGHT;
			m.highest = next;
			return m; 

		Made isFlush()
			Made m; m.hands = -1;
			int highest = c[0].getRank();
			char s = c[0].getSuit();
			for(int i=0; i<c.size(); i++){ 
				if (c[i].getSuit() != s) { return m; } 
				int r = c[i].getRank();
				if( r > highest) { highest = r;}
			m.hands = FLUSH;
			m.highest = highest;
			return m; 

		Made isFourOfAKind()
			Made m; m.hands = -1;
			std::map<int,int> cnt = getCountMap();
			std::map<int,int>::iterator it;

			for( it=cnt.begin(); it != cnt.end(); it++)
				if( it->second == 4) {
					m.hands = FOUR_OF_A_KIND;
					m.highest = it->first; 
					return m;
			return m;  // not made

		Made isThreeOfAKind()
			Made m; m.hands = -1;
			std::map<int,int> cnt = getCountMap();
			std::map<int,int>::iterator it;

			for( it=cnt.begin(); it != cnt.end(); it++)
				if( it->second == 3) {
					m.hands = THREE_OF_A_KIND;
					m.highest = it->first;
					return m;
			return m;  // not made
		Made isFullHouse()
			Made m; m.hands = -1;
			std::map<int,int> cnt = getCountMap();
			std::map<int,int>::iterator it;
			bool triple = false;
			bool onePair = false;
			for( it=cnt.begin(); it != cnt.end(); it++)
				if( it->second == 3) {
					triple = true;
					m.highest = it->first;
				} else if( it->second == 2){ 
					onePair = true;

			if ( triple && onePair) { m.hands = FULL_HOUSE;}
			return m;
		Made isTwoPairs()
			Made m; m.hands = -1;
			std::map<int,int> cnt = getCountMap();
			std::map<int,int>::iterator it;

			int h = 0;
			bool onePair_1 = false;
			bool onePair_2 = false;
			for( it = cnt.begin(); it != cnt.end(); it++)
				if( it->second == 2) {
					if (h < it->first) { h = it->first; }
					onePair_1 == false ? onePair_1 = true : onePair_2 = true;

			if( onePair_1 && onePair_2) { 
				m.highest = h;
				m.hands = TWO_PAIRS; 
			return m;
		Made isOnePair()
			Made m; m.hands = -1;
			std::map<int,int> cnt = getCountMap();
			std::map<int,int>::iterator it;
			for( it = cnt.begin(); it != cnt.end(); it++)
				if( it->second == 2) {
					m.highest = it->first;
					m.hands = ONE_PAIR;
			return m;

		Deck() {}
		void add( Card card) { c.push_back( card); }
		int nCards() { return c.size(); }
		void sort() { 
			std::sort( c.begin(), c.end(), ascendingSort); 

		Made whatMade()
			Made m;
			m.hands = -1;

			// Straight? 
			m = isStraight();
			if (m.hands == STRAIGHT) {
				Made msf = isFlush();
				if (msf.hands == FLUSH) {
					if (msf.highest == 14) {
						msf.hands = ROYAL_FLUSH;
					} else {
						msf.hands = STRAIGHT_FLUSH;
					return msf;

				// NOTE : Four of a Kind > Straight
				Made mf = isFourOfAKind();
				if (mf.hands == FOUR_OF_A_KIND) { return mf; }
				return m;

			// Four of a Kind?
			m = isFourOfAKind();
			if( m.hands == FOUR_OF_A_KIND) {
				return m;

			// Triple?
			m = isThreeOfAKind();
			if( m.hands == THREE_OF_A_KIND) {
				// Full House?
				Made mfh = isFullHouse();
				if( mfh.hands == FULL_HOUSE) {
					return mfh;
				return m;

			// Two Pair?
			m = isTwoPairs();
			if( m.hands == TWO_PAIRS) { return m; }

			m = isOnePair();
			if( m.hands == ONE_PAIR) { return m; }

			// Default 
			m.hands = HIGH_CARD;
			m.highest = c[4].getRank();
			return m;

		bool isWin( Deck& rhs) 

			Made mine = whatMade();
			Made yours = rhs.whatMade();

			if( mine.hands == yours.hands) {
				return ( mine.highest > yours.highest);
			return ( mine.hands > yours.hands);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
	clock_t begin = clock();
	/* starting code */ 

	string line;
	ifstream f("p054_poker.txt");
	string delim = " ";
	size_t lenDelim = delim.length();
	size_t pos = 0;

	int wincnt = 0;
	while( getline( f, line))
		Deck p1;
		Deck p2;

		while(( pos = line.find( delim)) != std::string::npos) {
			string token = line.substr( 0, pos);
			Card c( token);
			(p1.nCards() < 5) ? p1.add(c) : p2.add(c);
			line.erase( 0, pos + lenDelim);
		Card c( line); // 10th card
		p2.add( c);

		// Figure out made deck 
		if( p1.isWin( p2)) {
	cout << "p1 wins : " << wincnt << " times" << endl;

	/* end of code */
	clock_t end = clock();
	std::cout << "elapsed time=" << double(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << std::endl;
	return 0;