프로젝트 오일러 61
projecteuler, cpp, solved60번에 비하면 훨씬 수월하게 푼 문제.(문제의 끝도 정해져 있고 친절하게 답은 1개뿐이라고 해주고..)
모든 triangle/square/pentagonal/hexagonal/heptagonal/octagonal 수 목록을 구해둔 다음, 수 체인을 계속해서 찾아나가는 재귀 함수를 짠다.
실행시간 0.007 초.
Problem 61 - Cyclical figurate numbers
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int MAX = 10000;
std::map<string,std::vector<int>> triangle;
void getTriangle( int min, int max)
for(int i=1; i<MAX; i++)
int t = i*(i+1)/2;
string key = to_string(t).substr( 0, 2);
if( t < min) continue; if( t > max) { break;}
map<string,vector<int>>::iterator it = triangle.find( key);
if( it != triangle.end()) {
it->second.push_back( t);
} else {
// new insert
std::vector<int> v;
triangle.emplace( key, v);
std::map<string,std::vector<int>> square;
void getSquare( int min, int max)
for(int i=1; i<MAX; i++)
int s = i*i;
string key = to_string(s).substr( 0, 2);
if( s < min) continue; if( s > max) { break;}
map<string,vector<int>>::iterator it = square.find( key);
if( it != square.end()) {
it->second.push_back( s);
} else {
// new insert
std::vector<int> v;
square.emplace( key, v);
std::map<string,std::vector<int>> pentagonal;
void getPentagonal( int min, int max)
for(int i=1; i<MAX; i++)
int p = i*(3*i-1)/2;
string key = to_string(p).substr( 0, 2);
if( p < min) continue; if( p > max) { break;}
map<string,vector<int>>::iterator it = pentagonal.find( key);
if( it != pentagonal.end()) {
it->second.push_back( p);
} else {
// new insert
std::vector<int> v;
pentagonal.emplace( key, v);
if( p > max) { break;}
std::map<string,std::vector<int>> hexagonal;
void getHexagonal( int min, int max)
for(int i=1; i<MAX; i++)
int h = i*(2*i-1);
string key = to_string(h).substr( 0, 2);
if( h < min) continue; if( h > max) { break;}
map<string,vector<int>>::iterator it = hexagonal.find( key);
if( it != hexagonal.end()) {
it->second.push_back( h);
} else {
// new insert
std::vector<int> v;
hexagonal.emplace( key, v);
if( h > max) { break;}
std::map<string,std::vector<int>> heptagonal;
void getHeptagonal( int min, int max)
for(int i=1; i<MAX; i++)
int h = i*(5*i-3)/2;
string key = to_string(h).substr( 0, 2);
if( h < min) continue; if( h > max) { break;}
map<string,vector<int>>::iterator it = heptagonal.find( key);
if( it != heptagonal.end()) {
it->second.push_back( h);
} else {
// new insert
std::vector<int> v;
heptagonal.emplace( key, v);
if( h > max) { break;}
std::map<string,std::vector<int>> octagonal;
void getOctagonal( int min, int max)
for(int i=1; i<MAX; i++)
int o = i*(3*i-2);
string key = to_string(o).substr( 0, 2);
if( o < min) continue; if( o > max) { break;}
map<string,vector<int>>::iterator it = octagonal.find( key);
if( it != octagonal.end()) {
it->second.push_back( o);
} else {
// new insert
std::vector<int> v;
octagonal.emplace( key, v);
if( o > max) { break;}
int printMade( std::vector<pair<int,int>> made)
int sum = 0;
for(int i=0; i<made.size(); i++)
auto it = made[i];
cout << "[" << it.first << "]" << it.second << " ";
sum += it.second;
cout << endl;
return sum;
bool findCyclical( int begin, int now, int sum, std::vector<int> todo, std::vector<pair<int, int>> made)
if( todo.size() <= 0) {
// end of recursion
string bFirst = to_string(begin).substr( 0, 2);
string nLast = to_string(now).substr( 2, 2);
if (bFirst.compare( nLast) == 0) {
// SOLUTION!!!!!
int sum = printMade(made);
cout << "sum=" << sum << endl;
return true;
string nextKey = to_string(now).substr( 2, 2);
for(int i=0; i<todo.size(); i++)
map<string,vector<int>>* m = NULL;
if( todo[i] == 4) m = □
else if( todo[i] == 5) m = &pentagonal;
else if( todo[i] == 6) m = &hexagonal;
else if( todo[i] == 7) m = &heptagonal;
else if( todo[i] == 8) m = &octagonal;
else { cout << "abnormal!" << endl; return false; }
if( m == NULL) return false;
map<string,vector<int>>::iterator it;
it = m->find( nextKey);
if (it != m->end()) {
// dbg
// for(int i=0; i<todo.size(); i++) { cout << " "; } cout << "key=" << nextKey << endl;
// make todo vector for next recursive
std::vector<int> v(todo);
v.erase( std::find(v.begin(),v.end(), todo[i]));
for(int j=0; j<it->second.size(); j++)
// make made vector for next recursive
std::vector<pair<int, int>> ma( made);
ma.push_back( std::make_pair(todo[i], it->second[j]));
findCyclical( begin, it->second[j], sum + it->second[j], v, ma);
return false;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
clock_t begin = clock();
/* starting code */
getTriangle( 1000, 9999);
getSquare( 1000, 9999);
getPentagonal( 1000, 9999);
getHexagonal( 1000, 9999);
getHeptagonal( 1000, 9999);
getOctagonal( 1000, 9999);
for( auto it = triangle.begin(); it != triangle.end(); it++)
for( int i = 0; i< it->second.size(); i++)
std::vector<int> v;
std::vector<pair<int,int>> made;
made.push_back( std::make_pair(3, it->second[i]));
findCyclical( it->second[i], it->second[i], it->second[i], v, made);
cout << "triangle=" << triangle.size() << " square=" << square.size() << " pentagonal=" << pentagonal.size() << " hexagonal=" << hexagonal.size() << " heptagonal=" << heptagonal.size() << " octagonal=" << octagonal.size() << endl;
/* end of code */
clock_t end = clock();
cout << "elapsed time=" << double(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
return 0;